Tuesday, 13 January 2015

E4 E-Sting Planning

What format do you propose to use to create your Esting?:

I will be using stop frames techniques with myself in frame, but also I will be animating my face using a piece of paper.

What will happen in your Esting?:

I will be standing in front of the camera holding a piece of paper in front of my face which will have a cartoon version of my face drawn onto it, then I will grab an E4 logo and consume it, before it quickly being thrown back up.

Where will your animation be set?:

My animation will be set simply in front of a white wall, I don't want too much in the background, this could be distracting.

Will there be any limitations to creating your Esting?: 

There certainly wont be any cost issues because I am only using a piece of paper pen etc, there wont be any travelling costs or complications, overall it is going to be fairly easy to do, although the main drawing will take the longest time because I have a lot of pictures to draw 

Who is the target audience for your Esting?:

It hasn't really got any content which would make it suitable for a certain age group, but it would be more enjoyable for the younger ages (15-30)

My Character:

An extremely rough sketch of my character is above, the character is me but as a cartoon, the picture isn't accurate but I wanted to put on a sketch to give you an idea. This character will be the one eating the logo. I am going to be dressed in casual, plain clothing (no large logos etc. due to copyright and neatness) 

For my Esting soundtrack I used one of the free ones from the E4 website.

My sets and location:

This is where I want to film (W12 the media room), I just want a white background so that my animation and movement is clear and easy to see, I was going to do it in front of a white curtain in W16 (a room at my college) but I believe that this would look too messy.  

For lighting I would like to bring these into W12 from W16 so that it looks better lit and clearer instead of using the room lighting

 Here is a quick sketch of what will happen:


A3 paper


DSLR Camera


Risk Assessment:


1 comment:

  1. Bruce,

    Your budget sheet is missing and you need to mention the soundtrack that you intend to use. Other than that, this is great.

