Wednesday, 7 May 2014

News Readers - A Connotational Analysis

Title sequence

In this extract of WBAL TV News they start the opening sequence with an overview of some large city, it is an american city I believe so I am not sure what city, but It has large buildings which shows power and importance. 

A deep voiced man then announces that 'You are watching WBALTV 11' this deep voice sounds powerful and strong and lets you know that you are watching serious news instead of announcing in a high-pitched silly voice, which would usually mean you are watching a kids programme. A Large number 11 in gold with silver edges then appear as as the man is announcing the show, The gold colour in the 11 shows power and maybe even wealth, this means that this is a serious and powerful show and isn't messing around. Blue colour appears as this title disappears, that may show neutrality, and is basically saying that the news isn't biased and is not going to interfere at all with the stories. The blue colour along with the silver and gold shows this news channel off as being rather up-market/fancy.

< Opening screen

                                  Blue colour >

The voiceover then goes on to say some main points about the show, he says its: Live, Local and Late-breaking, they used alliteration with this so it may be so you can remember what it is easier. Another title comes up saying that it is the WBALTV News at 5pm, the Newsreaders are then shown next. 

Throughout the title scene urgency is showed or heard, for example fast music is used and clips of TV vans going fast and helicopters flying. Also the title comes in quickly and leaves quickly, this also connotes urgency.


The newsreaders are used as a source/presenter of information for the information, therefore they must be neutral and not take sides, they do this by presenting the information in a formal, monotone voice and talk in standard English (Newsreaders accents also tend to be upper-class, well-spoken so that they are easy to understand and to add to the formality of the news). Newsreaders aren't suppose to be seen as a personality or a celebrity, otherwise the audience would view there news through there emotions and personality. 

No emotion showed in either picture 

Facial expressions are not suppose to show any emotion either, a small smile or a little bit of laughter may be seen when talking about some off the more happier, lighter stories rather than breaking/serious news. The newsreaders are seen to directly address the audience by facing straight into the camera, this then makes it seem as if the newsreader is talking directly to us, connoting an unmediated communication. 

Newsreaders are always sitting behind large desks, this shows power and authority like that of a headmaster or a bank manager.


The studio always has either 1 or 2 newsreaders sitting behind a large, clean looking desk which always looks very modern and professional (Dark colours/wood/gloss etc). 
The newsreaders also always have a pile of papers which is usually either notes or script prompts, this also shows that the newsreaders are intelligent and sometimes powerful. 

Overall the studio looks professional, clean, and even maybe trustworthy because of how well its presented.

1 comment:

  1. This is good. Not sure why you think blue can connote neutrality. Transparent objects serve this function - connoting the news is like looking thrpough a window - ie untampered with.
