Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Introducing a Character

Here is part of a script/screenplay for the drama 'Shifty', I going to show which areas are inner presence, outer presence and context. 

Outer Presence:

The script first describes Chris as a supposed lonely man at the back of a coach, It mentions that he is trying to sleep, he puts his head up and rubs his nose this suggests that he may have been on a long night shift at work or maybe suffers from sleeping problems, he could be travelling to work but from this part of the script it is unsure. Instead of sleeping he pulls out his MP3 and plays Noel McKoy's "Brighter Day", this shows that he may be trying to cheer up by listening to something happy about a 'brighter day' because his might be very dull. 

Inner Presence:

There isn't much inner presence, the only thing we get from Chris is that he is trying to sleep so this could show that he isn't very happy because he cannot sleep at night etc, but still it is unsure on why he is sleeping on the bus.


Chris is sitting on an empty bus which appears to be quite old with its dull beige seats and wood interior. This could show that he may not have much money because he is travelling by coach instead of by car. The dull beige seats may also be trying to reflect him as a person. 

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