Tuesday, 15 October 2013

DepicT Planning.

Ideas for 90 second short.

  • Someone with a stupid idea or belief e.g Believes that cats created life, or thinks they are a fish.
  • Delivering something funny or insignificant but the camera angles and the way its portrayed makes out that it is extremely important.
  • Two people switch minds/bodies e.g boy and girl switch bodies, dog and human switch (Switching species would be hard to do)
  • Following a certain item e.g following something round a town and seeing different things scenes in the background and how that item acts in each scene.
  • Getting lots of money from a machine for example , someone puts money into a vending machine and their item doesn't come out so they shake it about and thousands of pounds fall out.
  • Misconceptions.

Main Idea

My main idea would be someone walking through a certain area or building going about there daily business, but they notice that someone has been following them for a while, there could be a shot of them turning round thinking that they saw/heard someone behind them, but when they turn round no one is there, so they carry on walking. The second time they turn round they catch the person following them so they start to walk faster, this carries on until they are running away and eventually somehow the person catches up with them, and says 'You dropped your wallet/purse' they then hand them their wallet/purse and walk away.

This video would create a sense of tension which would also make the viewers have to think about what is happening and why this person is being chased, and because its such a simple and not serious ending it makes it a comedy and a slight twist.

  1. The first shot could be a close up from behind of the person walking
  2. another view of the person walking
  3. Hear a noise so they turn round (close up of there face and being able to see over their shoulder when they turn round)
  4. a view of their face from behind them
  5. another shot of them walking 
  6. a shot where the victim walks past the camera (camera stationary) you then see a hooded figure walk out from the darkness and begin to follow them.
  7. another over the shoulder shot with the hooded figure behind them
  8. the victim then notices them and begins to look slightly worried
  9. they keep on turning round and looking at the hooded figure
  10. the victim gets to a corner and runs as they get past it, the hooded figure lso sta

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