'Candy crime' is a 90 second short film which is a comedic take on teen gun crime. The genre is comedy.
Overall analysis:
The beginning of the video starts off with a crane shot, which pans in to a shot of four boys sitting on a wall, the supposed 'ring leader', spots a small girl in which they follow to a bus stop. There is then a series of pan shots which show the young girl sitting in the bus stop. There is then a close up of the young girls face, which shows her looking fairly confused and worried. Then a low angle shot which is looking upwards at the four boys, below is the shot:
This shot shows that the girl feels extremely small and scared by the four boys and as if she is blocked in with no escape. After this shot the 'ring leader' pressures the girl and demands her to give him her lolly. At first she refuses but then she gives it to him. She then points at a key chain the boy has, there is then a close up of the key chain and the boy gives it to her.
The girl then proceeds to take out a larger lolly, the boy is shocked by this and throws his smaller lolly to the ground causing it to shatter. For a second time he then demands the young girl to hand over her second lolly, this time the girl is more stubborn about the second lolly and refuses to hand it over. The boy is angry by her refusal so he pulls a gun out of his jeans and points it at her. The girl looks rather shocked and eventually hands the lolly over. The boy then trades his gun for the loll and him and his gang leave. Some upbeat music begins to play and the young girl leaves the scene to get onto a bus.
The credits in this video have been cleverly put in place,and show a sort of urban feel. They have been typed out and stuck onto the side of the bus stop, they are seen when the camera pans away from the location.
Below is a screenshot of the credits:
The entire video is edited into black and white. The only parts of the film which aren't black and white is the candy which are the only parts in the entire screen which are coloured, like shown below:
Apart from the colour there isn't a lot of dramatic editing, apart from each scene which has been cut down to size. The camera angles, which include, low angles, high angles, over the shoulder shots have all been cut so that over the duration of the video there is no jumpy transitions and it all seems as if each scene is happening after each other. Throughout the video the 180 degree rule isn't broken, which helps to not confuse the viewer, who might not know which character is where.
Apart from a small amount of dialogue at the beginning of the film, and a couple words said between two of the characters, the film is almost completely silent.
There is a fairly upbeat song played at the end of the film which is put in place to cover the end credits and to bring some extra sound to the film considering that it is almost completely silent.
The camera angles in this film bring a sense of suspense to the feeling in this film, especially the feelings for the little girl because she is being bullied by a group of teenagers, who are a lot older than her. The low angled shots show that she feels a lot smaller than them and intimidated. The shot of when the little girl is walking towards the bus stop, and the gang of boys following her creates suspense for the viewer, because they don't know what is going to happen to the young girl.
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