Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Technical Aspects of Editing

1. What do the numbers 16:9 refer to? 

The apsect ratio. 16 length/width - 9 height 
2. What is the frame size of a 1080p video file? 

1920 x 1080

3. If you have a video file which is 720:50p what is the frame rate and what does the p stand          for? 

50 Frames Per Second. 'p' stands for progressive

4. What is the difference between p and i? 

p- progressive i- interlaced. The designation of how the frames are shown. Progressive shows every frame one after another, whereas interlaced shows half of the frame at any one moment and interlaces these half frames together, this results in us seeing unified movement.

5. What frame rate is real film shot at? 

24fps (23.976)

6. What might be the advantage of shooting at a higher frame rate? 

The image will have a higher clarity, this works well with slow motion footage as there are more still images to scroll through. For example- a golfer practicing their swing. 

7. What defines a lossy file? 

A highly compressed file that loses unwanted and unnecessary information so that it has a smaller file size. hence the name lossy (loss) 
8. Name three file types commonly used in video editing. 


9. What is the difference between a video file type and a codec? 

File type holds all of the information and the codec is what read the information. 

10. What is bitrate?  

The rate at which a file processes information 

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